Feebleminded - Wrong Decisions

Scripture Reading - Proverbs 23:7a KJV

For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he: . . .

In our study of “Feeblemindedness” we have touched upon many areas including “Decision” making. However since “decision” making is such a broad subject we could not do it justice in just one lesson. We (ihlcc) will briefly discuss that “wrong decisions” typically come from being “feebleminded”. Previously we mentioned that having a “feeble mind” will greatly influence the decisions you make because your decisions are always a reflection of who you are and what you are thinking. Therefore it is imperative for a person to base their “decisions” upon the solid counsel of God’s Word rather than the shifting sands of emotions, fears and false information. It is very easy to proclaim for everyone in the world to be godly but the truth of the matter is only a small portion of people actually think about being godly (in the sense of doing things God’s Way) when they make a “decision”. Thus, “wrong decision” are a by-product of wrong thinking which is usually the result of wrong believing. Yes, even in the Christian community many saints think like the world thinks without even realizing it. For instance, if the flu is going around many people run to get a flu shot without thinking about “by the strips of Jesus you were healed” according to 1 Peter 2:24. When many people are confused about what they should do next they run to talk with friends and/or family members rather than presenting their problem to the Lord Jesus. This is not by accident but rather a “decision”, when in fact it is the “wrong decision” for the Christian because the Lord Himself knows better than anyone else exactly what you should or should not do. We (ihlcc) can clearly understand that the sinner will always run to the arm of the flesh (human reasonings, the logic of man, another person) because they have no relationship with God but what excuse does the Born-Again believer have? Probably none because we have access to the Lord Jesus and Father God anytime we need Him and anywhere we are at. The problem is so many people are “weak minded” when it comes to their fellowship with God. Many Children of God usually make the default “decision” to rely upon their own thoughts/reasonings or the decisions of another person close to them, in some cases a paid profession. We (ihlcc) will admit it is easier to pick up the phone and instantly get an answer from some person than to pray the necessary time to hear clearly from God. It is not that God delays His response to our prayers it just takes us some time to humble ourselves before God to hear His distinct direction in our life. In a lot of cases the answer is already present in God’s Word we just need to see and understand it for ourselves. Yes, having a “feeble mind” will always yield a lesser result because the weaker the “decision” the weaker the result. We as Beloved Children of God should purpose to be sound in thought which will lead us to be strong in “decision” making. Thus, strong minded people will make the right “decisions” in life on a more consistent basis. Please, do not get us confused with people who come off strong (as loud bosses or over bearing individuals) because they too could still be “feebleminded”. Being loud doesn’t prove anything if your foundation of thinking is based upon the wisdom of men instead of the wisdom of God. Any other foundation outside of God’s Word (or His Heart) will make you “feebleminded” whether you like it or not because only the wisdom of God has stood the test of time with proven results of goodness for all people involved. Yes, the “feeble mind” consistently makes the “wrong decision” because that is the only “decision” it sees (darkness) as opposed to the godly mind which only sees good (Light) according to God’s Word (Jesus) or God’s Heart (His Holy Spirit). So in conclusion dear saint don’t be “feebleminded” in your decision making because that will always produce the “wrong decision” but rather be prayerful and purposeful in your “decision” to always do things God’s Way. Remember, dear Christian, you are made in the image and likeness of God. If we could all completely following God’s Will in all our “decision” making we will be “strong minded” and produce the “right decisions” of love and truth. God’s truth always sets (makes) the captives free. The disciples of Jesus are free indeed because they have experiencing the truth of God’s Word as reality in their life. All “right decisions” were already previously spoken in the Holy Bible so all we need to do is relate those “pre-existing decisions” in God’s Word to our personal everyday life. If we would just follow Jesus (The Word of God) as our perfect example of Living Love we would always come to the right conclusion to do the right thing (make the right decision) which is the product of a strong mind in Christ Jesus. Remember God’s Will in Heaven is His same will in our hearts but it can only be fulfilled by the strong minded individual who purposes to do right by their series of “right decisions”. Surely good triumphs over bad just like one right decision will always triumph over many “wrong decisions”, remember Jesus Christ upon the cross. His stand for righteousness and His personal “decision” to die for our sins superseded our “wrong decisions” to sin against God. Amen!